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After Gondola® I gave away my wheelchair

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My name is Santa Vaiani, I was born in Castelleone in 1936 and for many years I worked as a tailor, making clothes for both men and women. I was always in high demand, traveling to Crema where some women prepared the pattern templates that I would purchase, and then I would complete the garments in my village.

It has been eight years now that I have been living with Parkinson’s. The diagnosis came almost by chance: I had gone for therapy for my cervical spine, and the doctor, after noticing some tremors, recommended I see a neurologist. The visit confirmed his suspicions: Parkinson’s. At first, it was mild, but as time went on, my hands began to tremble more and the medication seemed to be less effective. Slowly, the disease started to limit my autonomy more and more.

How Parkinson’s changed my life

At home, I could hardly do anything on my own anymore. I had to ask for help with even the simplest things. Walking became increasingly difficult, and I often froze, especially when trying to take a few steps. I suffered a lot from these freezing episodes, which left me immobilized. I often cried, feeling nervous and unable to see a way out.

I took a lot of medication, but the situation didn’t improve. For my son, Diego Felice, it was also hard. He stayed by my side, but seeing his mother suffer so much made him feel bad. I moved around in a wheelchair, even at home. I felt like a prisoner in my own body.

The discovery of Gondola AMPS

One evening, while we were watching television, Diego Felice and I heard about the Gondola therapy. It piqued our interest, and after some research, we decided to give it a try. It wasn’t easy, as we had financial difficulties. But with the help of my children, we managed to buy the device.

The first treatment was incredible. I didn’t think it was really possible, but after the first session, I started walking again, without the help of the wheelchair. Diego Felice was as amazed as I was. It felt like living a dream.

How Gondola improved my life

Since then, I have been doing the therapy three times a week. My son learned how to set up the device and position my feet correctly. The therapy lasts only a few minutes and doesn’t bother me, I just feel a slight pinch. After each session, I feel calmer and more secure.

Thanks to Gondola, my life has changed. I can walk again on my own, even if I don’t walk long distances. I can leave the house and go shopping nearby without any problems. I no longer need the wheelchair, and this has also improved my mood. I used to be nervous all the time, but now I feel much calmer.

Diego Felice says that things have changed for him too: he no longer has to constantly watch over me, and this gives him more freedom. My independence has returned, and even people in my village are surprised to see me walking again. When they meet me on the street, they ask why I’m doing so well, and I tell them my story. I hope that other people can also try the therapy and find the same relief I have found.

I never would have expected something so simple to give me new hope. Gondola has helped me regain the freedom to move with more security, and for that, I will always be grateful.