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News and Updates on Parkinson's Disease

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World Parkinson's Day 2024

United for World Parkinson’s Day: Global and Local Initiatives for April 11, 2024

From the global ‘Spark the Night’ to Italian conferences, the world mobilizes for World Parkinson’s Day 2024, demonstrating solidarity and commitment to research and support

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Gondola AMPS helps improving Bradykinesia

Bradykinesia in Parkinson’s Disease: Exercises and Therapies

Let’s explore together strategies and therapies to tackle bradykinesia in Parkinson’s, focusing on the importance of physiotherapy, exercise, occupational therapy, and Gondola AMPS therapy in enhancing mobility and motor control.

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La Terapia AMPS: Un Approccio Innovativo per Migliorare la Marcia nella Malattia di Parkinson

Enhancing Gait in Parkinson’s Disease: A Comprehensive Review of AMPS Therapy

Uncovering AMPS therapy’s potential to transform gait issues in Parkinson’s disease, this review navigates its clinical implications and methodological foundations, offering a beacon of hope for enhanced patient mobility and autonomy.

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"DBS and AMPS collaboration for Parkinson's treatment

DBS in Parkinson’s Disease and the Complementary Role of Automated Mechanical Peripheral Stimulation (AMPS)

A recent study on long-term deep brain stimulation (DBS) effects in advanced Parkinson’s Disease emphasizes early intervention and suggests the complementary potential of Automated Mechanical Peripheral Stimulation (AMPS) for improving motor symptoms.

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Gondola Reimbursement Lombardy

New Application 2023/2024 for Aids and Advanced Instruments for Disabled Individuals or Their Families

In Lombardy Italy, reimbursements for the purchase of certain devices are available thanks to Regional Law 23/99. The Gondola AMPS Device is also included in this list.

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Fighting Against Parkinson's

United Against Parkinson’s: Initiatives and Innovations in the Italian National Day

The Italian National Parkinson’s Day, celebrated every year on the fourth weekend of November, represents a crucial opportunity to raise awareness about Parkinson’s disease, one of the most challenging neurodegenerative conditions. This day highlights the importance of research, listening to patient experiences, and renewed commitment to advanced cures and effective treatments.

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World Stroke Day 2023: Raising Awareness and the Role of Gondola AMPS Therapy

Every October 29, the world comes together for World Stroke Day, raising awareness about strokes’ prevalence, consequences, prevention, and treatment. This article explores World Stroke Day 2023’s significance, history, current stroke rates, and the role of innovative therapies like Gondola AMPS in stroke management.

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Parkinson's disease: new discovery on its origin

Understanding the Complexities Parkinson’s Disease: Insights from a Study at the University of Copenhagen

Parkinson’s disease has long been the subject of intense research in the field of medicine, with limited treatment options and a complex understanding of its origins. However, a recent study has shed new light on this neurodegenerative condition.

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University of Limerick is starting a study on fall prevention

Recently a clinical study on fall prevention led by the University of Limerick was approved, and now they’re starting to …

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Welcome to the News section of Gondola Medical, your go-to resource for the latest news and insights on Parkinson’s disease. In this section, we cover a wide range of topics relevant to patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals.

You will find articles dedicated to exercise and Parkinson’s, where you can discover the benefits of physical activity in managing symptoms and receive practical advice on how to incorporate specific exercises into your daily routine. We delve into the topic of freezing of gait, exploring the causes of this common symptom and the available therapies to improve mobility. Patient testimonials, who have experienced significant improvements in their quality of life thanks to Gondola AMPS therapy, offer a real and encouraging perspective.

We analyze the impact of Parkinson’s on social interactions and work abilities, offering suggestions on how to cope with these daily challenges. Stay updated on global and local initiatives for World Parkinson’s Day, with details on important events and conferences. We provide information on exercises and therapies to address bradykinesia, improving movement and motor control.

A comprehensive review of AMPS therapy highlights its benefits in managing gait problems related to Parkinson’s. Additionally, we explore the complementary role of Automated Mechanical Peripheral Stimulation (AMPS) and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in the treatment of advanced Parkinson’s. Finally, we offer information on new calls for the purchase of technologically advanced aids, including Gondola AMPS devices, to support disabled people or their families.

Browse our news to stay informed about the latest discoveries and innovative solutions in Parkinson’s treatment, with the aim of improving your daily life and that of your loved ones.