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Freezing is one of the most disabling and dangerous symptoms a patient can face. In the advanced stages of the disease, it affects 70-80% of patients and is often the cause of falls, with all the consequences that follow. While medication can be helpful, it may cause side effects such as dyskinesias and dystonias, which are involuntary and disabling movements that further compromise quality of life.
When we use a treatment like Gondola, which does not require medication and does not interfere with the metabolism of brain mediators like dopamine, we can achieve more physiological results, respecting the natural balance that the body constantly seeks to maintain.
It is clear that no single therapeutic approach can suffice. Just as Parkinson’s has many facets, treatment must also be multimodal, combining different interventions to achieve optimal results. Gondola, in this context, offers a significant improvement in symptoms that are otherwise unmanageable, representing a highly valuable therapeutic innovation.
A multimodal approach, open to innovative therapies like Gondola, is essential to provide patients with the best opportunities for managing the disease.