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Gondola AMPS therapy – Is it based on science or magic?

Gondola Medical Technologies first launched the Gondola AMPS therapy for people with walking and balancing impairment due to neurological disorders in 2011. Since then, the company has successfully supported many Parkinson’s Disease patients in regaining their independence. The non-invasive, side-effect free, 2-minute at-home Gondola AMPS therapy improves the motor symptoms such as freezing of gait or blocks.

As Parkinson’s Disease symptoms typically get treated with Dopamine or Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), a rehabilitative and soft approach such as the Gondola AMPS therapy is unusual.  It raises the question of “is Gondola AMPS therapy too good to be true” and if it is “science or magic”?

The current understanding of the nervous system provides the answers. The human nervous system can be divided into two parts: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and the spinal cord, while the PNS is made up of nerves that transmit information to and from the brain. Traditionally, any walking, balancing, and movement challenges were addressed by focusing on the CNS and the brain. However, we now know that the CNS can also be influenced by the PNS using, for example, Gondola’s Automated Mechanical Peripheral Stimulation (AMPS).

The mechanism that is believed to be associated with AMPS is induced synaptic plasticity with the strengthening of the neural circuits involved in walking automaticity. Clinical outcomes support this thesis by discovering increased connectivity between brain regions involved in walking control and an increase in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor that is an essential regulator of synaptic plasticity, supporting motor learning.

Additionally, the effectiveness of Gondola AMPS therapy has been documented in 12 clinical research studies of over 230 Parkinson’s Disease patients. The results indicated that increased walking speed, faster-timed up-and-go, increased stride length, more symmetrical gait, and improved turning capabilities could be observed following the AMPS therapy.

Gondola Medical Technologies is committed to scientific research evidence and will continue to support unbiased research to help people with neurological disorders regain their independence. So, is Gondola AMPS therapy science or magic? It is based on science, but it feels like magic to walk freely again.

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